Darling Mills Farm
Growing premium produce including salad leaves, herbs, edible flowers and other quality seasonal vegetables and fruit. Our ProduceContact UsDARLING MILLS FARM
Welcome to Darling Mills
Darling Mills Farm is a specialist grower of salad produce including lettuce, herbs, micro-herbs and edible flowers. Located at Berrilee only one hour from Sydney’s CBD, the farm has a mixture of greenhouse, hydroponic and organically grown produce, including over 100 varieties of herbs and salad plants. We source seeds worldwide as well as locally for the most interesting and tasty varieties which are lovingly grown and harvested on Darling Mills Farm at Berrilee, NSW.

Renowned Premium Quality Produce
Darling Mills Farm is renowned for producing premium quality mesclun salad mixes and micro salads. We also specialise in some of the rarer salad herbs, edible flowers, foraged greens as well as native herbs. Our produce is hand picked and prepared according to HAACP protocols and guidelines.
Innovative Production = Highest Quality
Due to our industry experience and an understanding of chefs’ requirements, we offer our fresh produce via farm to restaurant delivery each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Looking to buy quality produce?
Our Seasonal Range of Produce

A full range of the freshest quality bunched herbs are available for small or large orders for your restaurant, catering or cooking needs.

Salad Leaves
A range of both modern cultivars and heirloom varieties are used to give diversity and continuity to our production.

Edible Flowers
A large array of edible flowers are grown throughout the year and flowering herbs are available on a seasonal basis.
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